
Reinformation method to harmonize the body’s frequency fields and promote well-being.


Reinformation method to harmonize the body’s frequency fields and promote well-being.

How it works

  • Information is the structural element
  • This information is characterised by frequency fields
  • Emitted by every organ, tissue, …
  • The equipment detects and corrects these fields

Bioresonance is an innovative approach based on the principle that information is the structural element of living organisms. This information manifests itself through specific frequency fields emanating from different biological sub-elements (in the case of the human body, these are organs, tissues and cells, etc.).

The aim of bioresonance equipment is to analyse and then balance these frequency fields in order to maintain the harmonious functioning of the various elements of the body. There are a multitude of bioresonance devices, ranging from the simplest (frequency harmonisation of a single organ) to the most technical (frequency scanning and correction of the entire body, from organs to DNA, such as the Biospect® Pro+ 3D).

Operating principle :

  • The organs and tissues that make up the body (arteries, veins, nerves, muscles, etc.) are made up of cells.
  • These cells emit measurable frequency fields
  • When these fields are in harmony with the body, the organ functions optimally.
  • When these fields are out of harmony with the body, the organ malfunctions.
  • It is possible to measure these disharmonies and correct them by sending corrective frequencies.
  • These resonate with the frequency fields of cells in disharmony.
  • And generate a process of regulation in the cell, enabling it to re-harmonise with the body.

The bioresonance device plays the role of orchestra conductor: it locates the out-of-tune instrument and invites the musician to adjust his or her performance so that it is in harmony with the rest of the orchestra.


(source : bioresonance and health website, with our thanks)

1910-1950: The beginnings

  • The Russian biologist A. Gurwich demonstrates the ability of plant cells to communicate with each other
  • Georges Lakhovsky hypothesises that cells emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation.
  • the cell is an oscillating electromagnetic circuit
  • He devised an oscillating cellular correction circuit

Following the work of Russian biologist Alexander Gurwich, who demonstrated the ability of plant cells to communicate with each other via the electromagnetic light spectrum, Georges Lakhovsky, in the 1930s, put forward the hypothesis that cells emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation at precise frequencies, assuming that “a cell is an oscillating electromagnetic circuit that emits and receives waves that regulate its processes”.
In various works, he has argued that the state of health of living beings depends on the quality of the vibrations in their cells.

He felt it was possible to reharmonise these vibrations by applying electromagnetic fields tuned to specific frequencies, opening up the possibility of bioresonance corrections.

He designed simple oscillating circuits in the form of rings of copper wire open , which he used for various experiments on plants and humans.

1970: Bioresonance – Bioimpedance

  • R. Voll, an engineer and doctor, develops the device Voll , which measures disharmony and sends a corrective signal.
  • This device is the precursor of many others, including the Mora device, Global diagnostic, Life system, Bicom, Rayonex, etc.
  • They are characterised by the presence of a skin contactor

n the 1950s, Reinhard Voll, a German doctor and engineer, developed a device capable of electrically measuring acupuncture points. Voll’s device, the forerunner of all current bioresonance devices, is capable of measuring disharmonious signals, as well as corrective electromagnetic frequencies.
Engineers (often German) developed the technology of the Voll device by adding functions and accessories. However, they always used the principles of the passage of a weak electric current and the measurement of its resistance (impedance) to carry out analyses and corrections. These devices are therefore characterised by the presence of a skin contactor (forehead, hand, foot, fingers, etc.).

These devices, equipped with more or less modern interfaces and sometimes long and tedious to use, were at the cutting edge of bioresonance between 1970 and 2000. The best-known brands are : Appareil de Mora, Global diagnostique, Life system, Bicom, Rayonex, etc.

1970-1990: NLS bioresonance

  • Russian scientists develop non-linear scanner technology
  • Based on the exchange of information at the quantum level
  • They are developing a modernised, easy-to-use interface

In the 70s and 90s, Russian scientists, monitoring the physiological parameters of cosmonauts, wrote a new page in the history of bioresonance with NLS (Non Linear System) technology.

Based on the exchange of information at the quantum level, as well as the use of infrared light technology to carry out measurements and corrections, the Russians have developed an easy-to-use graphical computer interface.

NLS technology promotes a modernised, simplified and more effective use of bioresonance principles.


Scientific principles :

This modern technology is based on a number of scientific principles derived from the latest research. Here is a simplified summary to make it easier for everyone to understand:

Chaos theory:

Chaos theory: “The flap of a butterfly’s wing in Brazil can trigger a tornado in Texas” (E. Lorenz, physicist). This sentence illustrates the possibility that a weak impulse in a dynamic system (such as a body) can generate a multiplied effect. This is the basis of non-linear systems (NLS = non-proportional: a small initial impulse can have a large effect).

Quantum entropy theory:

This theory studies the general laws of information acquisition and processing in systems governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, using mathematical models. It defines the laws governing the exchange of information in the body and the conditions underlying the release of information.

Non-linear information channels and quantum entanglement:

This discipline studies the particular position of quantum entanglement in the design of a non-linear information channel. It enables the design and calibration of the non-linear quantum generator (the housing of the NLS device).

Why NLS technology.

In the context of mastering long-duration space travel, it was essential to be able to monitor the physiological parameters of cosmonauts, in a restricted space and with low energy expenditure.

Considerable resources were mobilised to design and develop this new bioresonance technology. Today, this family of devices is used as a differential device in the Russian paramedical field.

When the Berlin Wall came down, many Russian scientists and engineers found themselves without an income and ‘westernised’ the software in order to start marketing it internationally. The first NLS devices appeared in the West in 2005 (Metatron-Oberon, Introspect-Biospect and Physiospect-Physioscan).

Subsequently, the original Russian NLS devices were often copied by people who had no mastery of the technology or calibration.

Below are scientific publications related to NLS technology:

1. Entropy Logic Theory And Expanding Horizons Of Consciousness
2. How It Works – IPP Nonlinear NLS Diagnostic Systems
3. Nonlinear (NLS) Diagnostic Systems
4. Psychophysics As New Priority In Modern Science
5. Quantum Entropic Logic Theory And Quantum Computer
6. Quantum Entropic Logic Theory2
7. Quantum-Correlational Interactions In Psychophysical Systems
8. Theodore Van Hoven’s Quantum Entropic Logic Theory

History and versions of NLS technology:

Over the years, several versions have been released, with significant technological and software improvements.

Version 7:

Headset + external IR transmitter. Flat image system (list). Database (BDD) of around 6 frequency families. The basic functions are present with a few images and a summary database.

The noise emitted by the headphones makes using the device almost unbearable.

Version 11 :

Headphones (noise-free) + external IR transmitter. Flat image system (list). Approximately 12 reference families. The structure of the image system and the reference DB are in place. The external IR emitter is very sensitive to patient movement, which creates beam disconnections.

Version 15-17:

Headset + internal IR transmitter. Flat image system (list). Approximately 12 families of references. The IR emitter is integrated into the helmet. Scanning speed is significantly improved.

Version 21:

Same as version 15-17 + 3D image system from organ to DNA (list of targets + ability to click on tissue structure, which increases the possibilities. The database is enriched (up to 50-60 frequency families).

New features (smartfilter, modelling, meta-moon, etc.).

It is possible to penetrate the structure of an organ right down to the DNA. This version multiplies the possibilities and the precision.

Version 25:

Same as version 21 + automatic 3D scanner with sight + new targets and new frequencies.
Automatic scanning accuracy has been significantly improved. In our view, this version remains the benchmark for NLS technology.

Version 25 clinic:

Same as version 25, with 3D images that rotate on themselves.

Medical publications and clinical studies:

Studies have been carried out in Russia on the basis of Metatron, the “father” of these devices: (see bioresonance and health website)

European legislative framework for the practice of NLS bioresonance.

Practical information :

The practice of bioresonance is unrestricted and no medical diploma is required. The software is easy to use, but training is essential if you are to use an NLS device correctly.

It is strongly recommended that anyone wishing to work as a bioresonance practitioner take a “professional” training course.


Following the implementation (2021) of the European regulation on medical devices framed by Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on medical devices:

All devices that claim to perform a medical diagnosis or treatment with direct or indirect effects on a disease…


All devices that use words like “patients”, “therapy”, “meta-therapy”, “treatments”, “remedies”…


All devices intended for “health practitioners”.

Are MEDICAL DEVICES and must receive specific and compulsory certification.

As a result: devices that carry out “energy balances” or “land balances” in which the words reserved for the health sector have been removed.

  • for well-being and comfort,
  • are not medical devices.

As a practitioner, you should find out what you need to know before you buy and ask for written guarantees on this subject.

In the event of an inspection, if your device is found to be an uncertified medical device, you will be fined (with the risk of illegal practice of medicine) and your device will be withdrawn.