
Can I treat my daughter's illness with Biospect®?

Biospect® provides on-the-ground support that can be just as beneficial as sport, a balanced diet, food supplements, physical activity, etc. If your daughter is ill, the first step is to see a doctor. Then, after conventional medical treatment, the body can be effectively supported with Biospect®.

I'm having trouble understanding your notion of terrain?

This is a concept that is well known to naturopaths and alternative practitioners. I’d like to draw a comparison: you have a garden that is favourable to mushrooms (rosé de prés, coulemelle, etc.) but that’s not why you’ll systematically have rosé des prés or coulemelles. For the body, it’s the same thing; a plot of land is a potential and Biospect® helps to put it into perspective.

Why is Biospect so expensive?

A professional bioresonance device with training, after-sales service and support cannot be sold at the same price as a copy bought in China, given a new name, sold with 8 hours’ training and basic after-sales service.

The price of the Biospect® (by far not the most expensive in its category) reflects the cost of the device (original version purchased and calibrated in Russia) but also the cost of training (with qualified teachers who are paid commensurate with their skills), after-sales service and services (which translate into trained and competent staff who are paid decent salaries, etc.). When you buy a Biospect®, you are also buying quality equipment and services.

Why would an equivalent NLS device claim to cure cancer?

This claim is false and I challenge anyone to provide irrefutable proof of it. It is a false claim to entice you to buy.

Can I rent a Biospect®?

We do not offer this solution, as it takes time to be trained and to be able to practise. If you would like to evaluate the device, I recommend that you contact a practitioner or have a session.

Can anyone practice with a Biospect?

Yes, there are no restrictions on the practice of Biospect. Anyone can buy a machine and get trained. However, we insist on the need for training. It’s impossible to expect serious, lasting results without a minimum of training. Would you have your car repaired by a mechanic who has had no training whatsoever?

Bioresonance has no indisputable scientific basis.

It’s true, bioresonance has an insurmountable problem: the measurement modifies the biological object being measured, making strict reproducibility (the holy grail of classical science) difficult if not impossible. We hope that quantum physics researchers (who face the same problem) will be able to find solutions. Thousands of practitioners use bioresonance equipment, and in other countries, the use of this equipment is considered normal: would they do so if they didn’t find some results?


I live 1,000 km away. What happens if my phone breaks down?

Whether you live 20 km or 10,000 km away, the procedure is always the same:

We will contact you quickly to carry out a diagnosis (which is carried out remotely, directly on your computer and Biospect® device).

3 solutions:

– Either we repaired it because it was a software problem

– Or it’s a problem with the headset or cable. In this case, we will send a replacement part by express delivery (24-48 hours for France; 3-4 days for more distant countries).

– Or we have to send the appliance back to the manufacturer. In this case, we will provide you with a replacement appliance for the duration of the repair.

Is there a guarantee and after-sales service for the equipment?

Yes, all our devices are guaranteed for 2 to 4 years, depending on the pack purchased. Our survey is clear: 98% of Biospect® users consider that we have found a satisfactory solution to any problems they may have encountered during the warranty period.

After-sales service: Once the guarantee period has expired (some appliances have been in operation for 12 years), our after-sales service will take care of all repair requests at a very reasonable price, estimates on request.


Some devices are sold with an 8-hour training course, but is that enough?

It is impossible to use an NLS device in anything other than a very limited way after only 8 hours’ training. From our point of view, an untrained or partially trained practitioner will not be able to obtain solid results and will not be able to detect deeper problems in consultants (lack of knowledge of legislation, lack of knowledge of the limits of the device, lack of knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology, lack of knowledge of advanced functions, etc.). Let me ask you this: would you have the safety features of your car adjusted by a mechanic trained for just one day? It’s the same with NLS devices!

I live in the countryside with a poor network. Will I be able to take your course?

Yes, our platform is built to deliver videos and documents regardless of the quality of the network.

How long will it take me to complete the 200 hours of training?

You have 2 years, renewable once, to complete the training. Each video can be watched several times.

Can I order training and take it with my colleagues?

Training is nominal. The system allows access to only one person and blocks if others try to access it.

One certificate per person registered.

On request, we can offer you a special rate if you wish to register as a group.