Biospect Session

Objectify and correct the body’s frequency fields

Biospect Session

Objectify and correct the body’s frequency fields

For the practitioner

  • Speed and precision
  • Objectivation of invisible processes
  • Help with the balance sheet
  • Expert analysis system
  • Proposed solutions assessed
  • Follow-up between sessions

Practitioners involved in non-medical care and support need to be effective if they are to achieve results and develop their client base. They face a real problem: the impossibility of objectifying what is happening in the body.

With the NLS Biospect bioresonance device, this is now possible! In just a few minutes, the device analyses and puts into perspective the organs in frequency disharmony and the depth of this disharmony (at organ, tissue and cell level, right down to the DNA).

The database of over 12,000 frequencies can be used to assess the degree of similarity between the scan signature and that of a disharmonious site, an allergen, a toxin, a micro-organism, etc.

The device’s expert system then suggests solutions from its database (phyto, homeo, litho, Bach flowers, food supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc.). It will then be possible to recommend these products or send them directly in the form of corrective frequencies.

You can also test your favourite products, compare changes in disharmony between sessions, and use the expert systems to :

  • ind out about the condition of the underlay,
  • change the conditions in which viruses and bacteria thrive,
  • assess the potential development of a site

Rapid results motivate consultants to continue, and encourage word-of-mouth.

For the consultant

  • Visualising the body
  • Full review
  • Weak vs. strong terrain
  • Emotional Conflict Assessment
  • Support solutions
  • Follow-up during sessions
  • Trained practitioner (over 200 hours)
  • Quick results

The NLS bioresonance assessment enables the consultant to take a different look at his or her body during a session incorporating many aspects: allergens and toxins, vitamins and minerals, emotions and conflicts, hormones and neurotransmitters, food and nutrition, etc. (60 families of frequencies can be covered).

The practitioner can then correct weak areas by sending corrective frequencies, and evaluate and suggest dietary supplements or natural support products suggested by the device.

The NLS bioresonance assessment is not a medical diagnosis, but a “field assessment” that puts the body’s strengths and weaknesses into perspective.

A person who is aware of his or her strengths and weaknesses can then act in anticipation before a bigger problem arises.

The NLS assessment builds trust between the consultant and the practitioner.

Personalised session:

The NLS session is interactive and the consultant is fully involved. There are no automatic corrections for the whole body based on standardised models: the consultant’s situation is unique, and the device helps to find the correction or products best suited to that person.

Here, it is the practitioner who acts, not the machine. The consultant is a stakeholder in the process, which motivates him or her to get involved.